
Having a doctor who knows you and your unique needs is a big plus when it comes to managing your health. From birth to adulthood, people of all ages should have a doctor. Bronson has a variety of doctors to choose from. We can help choose which type of doctor is right for you and your family.

Primary care doctors provide preventive care, annual physicals and overall health exams as well as treat common medical conditions. And, if you have a health condition that requires specialized care, your primary care provider will also connect you to a specialist and help coordinate next steps and follow-up care.

There are three types of primary care doctors — pediatrics, family medicine, and internal medicine. Some obstetrics and gynecology doctors also serve in a primary care doctor role.

  • Internal medicine doctors treat adults 18 years and older. Internal medicine providers are often preferred by adults who need help managing one or more chronic or complex conditions.

  • Family medicine doctors are trained in pediatric care and adult medicine. They treat individuals and entire families, from newborns to the elderly, and know how relationships between family members impact their health.

  • Pediatric specialists address the healthcare needs of children, newborns to 18 years of age. They provide preventive care for healthy children and treat children who are injured or ill. They specialize in childhood diseases, growth and emotional health.

Most primary care offices do
not require a referral. There are two ways to choose a primary care provider and schedule your first appointment:

1. Schedule online: Use Find a Doc to view every primary care provider who are open to new patients and offer online scheduling.

2. Schedule by phone: Call (269) 341-7788 and talk with a Bronson Care Advisor, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Or email us 24/7 at careadvisor@bronsonhg.org. If you call after hours, you can leave a message and we’ll call you back the next business day.